Big news, everywug! The very first WUGS shirt is finally available! Wear it around and show your love for WUGS and help support the strip! Your frends are gonna thingk you’re so fashin’. Get the shirt here!
News about the site and the Boxes in general.
New Shirt: Planet Christopher and Moonie
I’m making shirts now, churbs! Here’s one: Planet Christopher and Moonie. Weat it on your body, and when someone asks you who the heck is on your torso covering, make sure to say, “The Talking Boxes will increase your life by 900 %.”
New Shirt: Aquatic Man!
I’ve got a new shirt design for sale at Misterdressup! I know you’re going to love it. Have a gander at Aquatic Man! Buy one and send me a picture of you wearing it. I’ll post the pics here and tell everyone how unbelievable you are!
Holy Don Chapman!
Good news, boysenberry! We’re adding two NEW AS HECK strips to, namely: WUGS and Cloud Person! WUGS is a fun and innocent strip based on Jean Berko-Gleason’s wug test from the 50s. Cloud Person is about a happy cloud named Cloudy and his optimistic adventures through Monsterland. You’re gonna start seeing WUGS every Thursday, and new Cloud Person strips will be published on no particular schedule. So watch the site for new content, Rudy! Isn’t this great? Aren’t you glad ou’re not a pelican?