Today I Came Home

And there were people cutting down the tree in front of my apartment.  It used to block my window and one time I saw a bird sleeping in there.  The cutting people were cutting branches off of other trees and had thrown them in my parking space.  It was pretty much the worst kind of chaos imaginable by anyone – short of a pterosaur attack.


I wrote a book, too.   Check it out.


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Do You Like to Read Book?

I write book for you.

Preorder Melidora now!  Here! <–That’s a link!

I wrote a real novel.  This is my second one, actually.  Ryan Valle did the cover art, so there’s no speaking squares on it or anything.  But seriously: everyone you know will love this book.  Really.  It’s honestly good, and I worked very hard on it.  Editing cost me $800 – that’s some clams.

If you love me, or have ever loved me, or ever plan to love me in the future, preorder now.  For the children.

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Hallow Your Ween!

We’ve got a four-day block of non-stop Box rock coming your way for All Hallows Eve/Día de los Muertos!  Keep an eyeball peeled, everybox; I drew some Halloween stuff just for you.  We’re going to try to do some regular holiday things around here.  Also, I have a book coming out before the end of this year!  It’s not a Talking Boxes book, but I know you want one of those, don’t you?

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